Saturday, November 01, 2008

Expected Job Loss Stats: Financial Market Jobs


2009 - New York: Additional job losses: 30,000 positions

2009 - London: Additional job losses: 34,000 (after 28,000 total in 2008)

For the entire article, click here.


At 8:51 AM, Blogger Ray said...

So many people are freaking out about the economy but I still see thousands of jobs posted on employment sites. (networking) (aggregated listings) (matches you to jobs)

good luck to those searching for jobs.

At 2:04 PM, Blogger Peter Jacobs said...

A few thoughts:

- Not all job postings correspond to an actual opening; some are "stale" - i.e., correspond to openings that have since been frozen, while others may represent "prospecting" ads for which there is not corresponding open position. So while the number of postings can be an indicator of employer demand for workers, it is at best an inprecise one.

- Demand for employees will vary by sector and region; some types of jobs and regions will be harder hit than others.

Hence the importance of a two-pronged search - one that consists of responding to openings for which you're qualified and the other based on networking to find out more about your target company, where you might fit, and how you might get the "proverbial foot in the door."


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