Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Most Unusual Job I've Ever Had

I started thinking today about the most unusual job I've ever had. I'd say it would have to be my first summer job, where I worked as a floor stockman at Kmart (my loudspeaker page code was 110). On my first day on the job, one of the floor manager’s (the “K’s”) looked at me and said, “Good, you’re here; Simeon’s on vacation – go clean the heads.” After getting a translation of what a Simeon was (the janitor) and what “heads” were (military term for toilets), I proceeded to spend the next 5 hours cleaning 16 toilets, 30 sinks, and 6 bathroom floors. After 7 days of that, stocking shelves and cleaning up messes (210 on the loudspeaker meant a "dry mess" and 220 meant a "wet mess" - use your imagination) for the rest of the summer was a breeze.

I would have to say I was an accidental floor stockman. I sought a summer job to earn some pocket money after high school and ended up at KMart. That summer could have been memorable in a different way had I given the matter more thought.

Have you ever "accidentally" ended up in a job and then asked yourself: "What in the heck am I doing here?" The best way to avoid that is to think carefully and do some planning and preparation before you leap.


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